HReasily Malaysia is an HR solutions company that provides Software as a Service (SaaS). Their easy-to-use products enable companies to improve productivity by streamlining HR work processes such as payroll processing, leave management and claim applications while keeping things affordable. Their line of products include:
PAYROLLeasily is a powerful payroll system that streamlines your payroll with its powerful and simple-to-use platform. It frees you from hours of manual calculations and filing with our automated processes so that you can concentrate on what is important. Easily the best payroll system.
STAFFeasily is a one-stop employee portal. It releases you from all that paper work by centralising all your employee documents and data while keeping it at your fingertips.Stop worrying about deadlines. STAFFeasily will remind you. Capture and Digitise staff records filing.
LEAVEeasily is your intelligent leave management system that is simple, yet efficient. It is flexible and accessible from anywhere using any device. Hassle-free leave applications.